Cover Oregon had bad contract with website maker

CoverOregon’s efforts to hold the maker of its nonworking website accountable may have trouble because of a poorly written contract.

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CoverOregon’s efforts to hold the maker of its nonworking website accountable may have trouble because of a poorly written contract.

The news comes even as more details emerge about the problems with Oracle’s work on the massive information technology project. Though the Cover Oregon executive director Rocky King has said he wasn’t worried enough about the website to recommend a backup plan until August, emails and documents obtained through a records request by The Oregonian shows that by early May alarmed officials were sounding alarms.

So what options does the state have to address Oracle performance now? The original Oracle project contract had essentially been a time and materials contract – paying Oracle for its programmers’ time, rather than a performance-based contract that included extra accountable measures, such as a fixed-price deliverables contract.


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