City leaders slam bridge plan

Portland and Vancouver mayors call the plans for the I-5 bridge project “unacceptable.”

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Portland Mayor Sam Adams and Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt wrote a letter to the governors of Oregon and Washington, calling the plan for the Columbia River Crossing project “unacceptable.”

The city leaders are now looking to pull control away from state highway planners, as the project of more than four years continues to lack support.

“I want to see this project move forward, but in its current form, it does not have the support it needs,” Mayor Sam Adams said in a statement. “We are asking for a states-local partnership to take a hard look at the options on the table and come up with something our region can support.”

Metro Council President David Bragdon and Clark County Commissioner Steve Stuart also signed the letter. The four are the local representatives on a project sponsors council, a 10-member panel that the two states convened to handle major decisions on the bridge.

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