End near for recall campaign

With a signature-gathering deadline nearing, it’s unclear whether the effort to recall Sam Adams has enough support.

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The deadline to submit signatures to recall Portland Mayor Sam Adams is Tuesday, rasing questions as to whether the campaign has garnered enough support to make the ballot.

Campaign sponsor Avel Gordly has insisted that the required 32,185 Portland voter signatures would be collected, but the campaign had only gathered 20,000 signatures as of several weeks ago.

The mailings and related efforts are targeted at many of the people who signed recall petitions during last year’s unsuccessful volunteer campaign. Organizer Jasun Wurster claimed approximately 30,000 signatures were collected during that effort, although they were never publicly revealed. Wurster turned the petitions over to the paid campaign for their use. During the past two months, the campaign has repeatedly e-mailed supporters to say that a high percent of the previous signers were returning new petitions.

The campaign will likely have to submit more than 32,185 signatures to succeed, however. A number of invalid signatures are always collected during petition drives, either because the signers are not properly registered to vote or live outside jurisdictional limits. At the time, Wurster estimated the first campaign would have to collect around 40,000 signatures to have a chance of succeeding.

Read the full story at the Portland Tribune.

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